East Kootenay Invasive Species Council

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyElk ValleySouth CountryUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementWater
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To mitigate the negative environmental, social, and economic impacts of invasive species in order to achieve an East Kootenay free of invasive species.

Our Vision:

East Kootenay free of invasive species.

EKISC is a diverse and dynamic mix of government and non‐government, multi‐interest stakeholders with membership open to anyone. The EKISC operates under a single‐agency partnership delivery model to deliver a […]

Friends of the Lardeau River

Conservation Neighbourhood Duncan-Trout Lake
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementLandscape ConnectivityWaterWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District RDCK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To help protect and care for the Lardeau River corridor.

Our Vision:

To obtain protection status for vital and crucial fish & wildlife habitats along the Lardeau River corridor.

The Friends of Lardeau River’s key focus is in obtaining protection status for vital and crucial fish & wildlife habitats along the Lardeau River corridor. The Lardeau River with its […]

Lake Windermere Ambassadors

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia Valley
Focuses Citizen ScienceEducation/OutreachEnvironmental MonitoringWater
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

Through collaboration of representatives of key community sectors, the Lake Windermere Ambassadors will serve as a resource for future projects benefiting the health of Lake Windermere.

Our Vision:

An ecologically healthy Lake Windermere with balanced management approaches that support recreation and traditional uses, high fish and wildlife values, and economic prosperity in the region.

The Lake Windermere Ambassadors (LWA) are a group of committed citizens whose mandate is the protection of Lake Windermere, British Columbia. The Ambassadors have a vision of an ecologically healthy […]

College of the Rockies

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsElk ValleyGoldenSouth CountryUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Education/OutreachEnvironmental/Research/ Monitoring/EducationWaterWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District CSRDRDEK
Group Types Educational Institution

Our Mission:

To transform lives and enrich communities through the power of education.

Our Vision:

To create and deliver the most personal student experience in Canada.

For more than 40 years, College of the Rockies has provided post-secondary education that meets the needs and aspirations of the people, industry and businesses of our region. Each year, […]

Wildsight – Regional

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Education/OutreachEnvironmental MonitoringLandscape ConnectivityWaterYouth Programs and Activities
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

Wildsight works to protect wildlife, water and wild places in Canada’s Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions. Our education programs include Winter Wonder (K-3), Nature Through the Seasons (K-3), Classroom with Outdoors (4-7), Ecostewards (4-6), Go Wild (9-12), Columbia River Field School (10-12), Beyond Recycling (5-7) and Know Your Watershed (9).

Our Vision:

The Columbia Mountains and Southern Rocky Mountain area has healthy, functioning ecosystems. A network of protected wild landscapes and watersheds provide for native plant, fish, and animal populations, and maintain healthy human communities.

Wildsight focuses on three core areas: the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, upper Columbia River Valley, and the Columbia Mountains. Wildsight’s program areas include conservation, water, climate adaptation solutions, sustainable communities, […]

Slocan Lake Stewardship Society

Conservation Neighbourhood Slocan Valley
Focuses Citizen ScienceEducation/OutreachEnvironmental MonitoringWaterWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District RDCK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To work in the community to protect the beauty, health and wonder of the magnificent Slocan Lake ecosystem for future generations.

Our Vision:

The Slocan Lake Stewardship Society (SLSS) is dedicated to protecting the beauty, health and wonder of the magnificent Slocan Lake ecosystem for future generations. We do this by investing in […]

Slocan River Streamkeepers

Conservation Neighbourhood Slocan Valley
Focuses Citizen ScienceEcosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachEnvironmental MonitoringWater
Regional District RDCK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To protect and restore the aquatic and riparian ecosystems of the Slocan River by promoting community stewardship through education, collaboration and action.

Our Vision:

The protection and restoration of the streams, streambeds and riparian zones that foster biodiversity in the Slocan Valley Watershed.

The Slocan River Streamkeepers work to promote community stewardship through education, collaboration and action. We collect data that gives us information about local creeks and the river, do school field […]

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