On October 15, voters in the Slocan Valley (Area H) voted ‘yes’ to joining the Regional District of Central Kootenay Local Conservation Fund service that will support wildlife, habitat and water.
Referendum on Local Conservation Fund in Electoral Area H passes
October 15, 2022
Nelson, BC: Electoral Area H in the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has voted in favour of joining the RDCK Local Conservation Fund service.
What is a Local Conservation Fund?
A Local Conservation Fund is a local government service that creates dedicated funding to support local high-priority conservation projects.
How much would it cost?
Landowners would pay $15 per parcel per year towards local conservation projects, and some people eligible for the Homeowner’s Grant may have that $15 covered by the grant.
Has this been done before?
Since 2014, a Local Conservation Fund has already been in effect in Electoral Areas A, D and E as an RDCK Service. This Local Conservation Fund on Kootenay Lake has provided grants totalling almost ½ million dollars, and raised an additional 2.1 million dollars in financial and in-kind support from other funders.
Who decides which projects are funded?
Local organizations and Indigenous communities can apply for funding for conservation projects that benefit wildlife, habitat and water. These proposals are reviewed by an independent, volunteer panel of technical experts before being decided on by local Elected Officials.
What types of projects are funded?
Examples of the types of projects funded include:
- Incentives for local farmers to steward their land for habitat as well as food production
- Wetland and creek restoration • Improvement of fish and wildlife habitat
- Water monitoring to understand impacts of climate change on water supply
- Creation of native plant pollinator meadows
- Reduced human-wildlife conflict projects like cost-share electric fencing
- Monitoring for early detection of aquatic invasive species
- Land acquisition of ecologically significant properties
Are there economic benefits to this service?
The LCF serves as seed funding for projects. Each $15 paid per parcel turns into $75 with matching and in-kind support.
- Funds are spent locally, which creates added economic benefit through creating local jobs, the purchase of materials and supplies, and work for contractors and businesses.
- From 2008 to 2021, the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund distributed over $2.2 million which raised an additional $22 million towards the projects.
- From 2016 to 2021, the RDCK Local Conservation Fund distributed $468,000 which raised an additional $2.1 million towards the projects.
- Projects that receive Local Conservation Funds have successfully attracted a wide range of other funding partners based on this initial investment including regional funders, federal and provincial governments, utility companies, businesses, foundations, and non-profit societies.
Who decides if there will be a Local Conservation Fund service in the Slocan Valley?
YOU will! Residents of the Slocan Valley (RDCK Area H) will have the opportunity to decide if they want a Local Conservation Fund during a referendum on October 15, 2022. Voting “yes” means supporting this service with an additional $15 per parcel per year. It’s a small investment for wildlife, habitat and water, and establishing a local conservation fund in Area H would assist in raising additional support to undertake local conservation projects.
A Local Conservation Fund is a powerful opportunity to turn a modest contribution towards large achievements that will benefit us now and for generations to come.
Watch this 3-minute video to learn about Local Conservation Funds
RDCK Local Conservation Fund Service Area Map
Green: Current Service Areas A, D & E • Blue: New Service Area H
Click map to enlarge view
More Information
For more information, contact Juliet Craig, KCP Program Director
juliet@kootenayconservation.ca • 1-844-775-2722
A Local Fund for Local Priorities
Slocan Valley residents in Area H of the Regional District of Central Kootenay will have the opportunity on October 15 to decide by referendum if they want to establish a Local Conservation Fund service for their Area that will support wildlife, habitat and water.
Watch the recording of the Virtual Information Session below to learn more.

Photo by Joel Pelletier