
Photo: Elk Root Conservation Farm Society
Want to know which plants to use in your garden to help nature? Want to attract pollinators and make a difference?
Follow the EcoGarden plant list. EcoGardens are native and non-invasive cultivated plants that thrive in the Central Kootenay region. They were chosen by local experts to meet the needs of our future ecosystems and the needs of declining wildlife. Plants that are ClimateSmart, WaterSmart, FireSmart, non-invasive, and attract birds and pollinators are highlighted on the EcoGarden Plant list.
It is important to recognize that plants that attract birds such as fruit bearing plants, also attract bears and deer to their detriment. Take note of WildSafe concerns which are explained in the detailed plant list. All these plants are available from local sources and chosen by local experts to ensure success by gardeners and landscapers alike.
Let’s grow something good. The EcoGarden vision is that Kootenay gardens are ecologically informed and at least 20% native plants. Plant lists are available on the CKISS website.
Consultation by Donation and Inclusionary Educational Program webinars, workshops, and field days on Planting for Pollinators, Gardening with Native Plants and EcoGardening are available through Elk Root Conservation’s website.
The Kootenay Native Plant Society website has research-based lists of West Kootenay native plants for specialist bees, rare and climate-vulnerable butterflies, and other insects, as well as information about upcoming events.