Highlights from Year 1 (2019-20) to Year 5 (2023-24) are listed below.
Year 5 Highlights (2023-24)
Year 5 of the project (2023-24) marked another ambitious on-the-ground effort, guided by an annual work plan. The Wycliffe Conservation Area Complex (the “Complex”) includes lands secured by The Nature Trust of British Columbia (NTBC), the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), and the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship (MWLRS or The Province), together known as the “Conservation Partners” or “Partners”. On behalf of the Partners, NTBC administered contracts for six separate fence projects across the Complex, with two bonus/extra projects completed as a result of one fence project coming under budget. In 2023, fence work included the removal of unneeded fences, repairs to compromised fences (and gates and braces), as well as new fence builds in previously unfenced locations.
This map shows the 2023 fencing projects in the Wycliffe Wildlife Corridor, including fence and gate repair, construction, and removal.
Year 4 Highlights (2022-23)
The Nature Trust of BC (NTBC) and its partner organizations are enhancing habitat for species at risk in the Wycliffe Conservation Complex, including using wildlife-friendly fencing and managing invasive species. This video summarizes the project activities completed in Year 4 of Kootenay Connect.
Year 4 of the project (2022-23) marked another ambitious ‘on-the-ground’ effort guided by the annual work plan. With this anticipated workload, the Conservation Partners hired a project manager to assist with organizing contracts, project implementation and contract supervision and various administrative functions (chairing meetings, financial tracking, communications and assistance with reporting). For the invasive species work, NTBC utilized Kootenay Connect Funds to once again hire the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC) and its subcontractor to implement work across the Complex, as recommended in the Invasive Species Management Plan. The fencing projects were primarily funded by ECCC/Kootenay Connect and CBT EEP funding. NTBC issued contracts for eight fence projects across the Complex, on behalf of the partners. This work included the removal of unneeded fences, repairs to compromised fences, replacement of fences in poor or non-functioning condition as well as, new fence builds in previously unfenced locations to protect and secure the conservation values within.
Year 3 Highlights (2021-22)
The third year of the project (2021-22) marked a transition where most funding was put to ‘on-the-ground’ projects on the Complex, which was exciting after so much time and effort had been spent on the planning components. NTBC utilized Kootenay Connect Funds to hire the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC) to implement work across the Complex, as recommended in the ISMP. This included inventory, chemical treatment, treatment monitoring, long-term effectiveness plot monitoring, data entry, and reporting. CBT funds supplemented this work. NTBC also managed several fence contracts across the Complex, on behalf of the partners. This work included the removal of unneeded fences, repairs to compromised fences, replacement of fences in poor or non-functioning condition as well as, new fence builds in previously unfenced locations.
Year 1 Highlights (2019-20)
This map provides an overview of the available data for wildlife corridor identification in the study area.
This map shows the cumulative impacts in the Wycliffe study area.
This map shows the location of the principal wildlife corridor in the Wycliffe study area.