Awarded to Wildsight Invermere to develop an understanding of the connection between groundwater, the local water table, precipitation, and water withdrawals in the Lake Windermere watershed.
PROPONENT: Wildsight Invermere
DESCRIPTION: The Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund contributed funding to Year 2 of the Upper Columbia Groundwater Monitoring Pilot Project, which continued monitoring at the existing and primary well site within the District of Invermere; collected well level and precipitation data in order to develop trends upon completion of Year 2; trained additional community volunteers to collect groundwater data; and delivered presentations on groundwater via the Columbia Basin Watershed Network, Wildsight Invermere, market events, and via social media and web outlets.
OBJECTIVE: This project created the framework for which to determine a baseline of groundwater quantity, and develop an understanding of the connection between the local water table, precipitation and water withdraws. Additionally, a partnership was created with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. This partnership ensured data collected could be used as part of the BC Observation Well Network, if applicable, as well as ensured that priority aquifers were identified and used by the project, if applicable.
PHOTO: Wildsight Invermere