Target species intro

Target Species: Bats

Year 2 Video: Northern Myotis Habitat Project

As fewer old growth trees remain on the scape, there is less habitat remaining for the endangered Long-eared Myotis. This video provides an overview of the installation of two bark roost poles in an area where Long-eared Myotis was detected.

Year 2 Video: Bat Monitoring Program

An overview of the development of the North American Bat Monitoring Program grid cell framework and its application in the Kootenay Connect project.

Year 2 Report: North American Bat Monitoring Program in British Columbia Kootenay Connect 2020 Species Detection Summary

In 2020, acoustic bat detectors were deployed in six North American Bat Monitoring (NABat) grid cells in the Kootenay Connect wetland corridors. The North American Bat Monitoring program is a multi-agency initiative designed by US and Canadian biologists and statisticians, coordinated continentally by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and implemented in British Columbia by Wildlife Conservation Society Canada. The goal is to increase baseline monitoring, facilitating diversity and relative abundance trend analyses. In areas such as BC where WNS has not yet been found.

Year 1 Map:  North America Bat Monitoring Cells in the Kootenay Connect focal areas

This map shows the bat monitoring grid cells in the Kootenay Connect areas and in the Columbia Basin overall.

Year 1 Map: Bat detector sites in Bonanza North America Monitoring Bat Grid

This map shows the bat detection infrastructure within and around the NABAT monitoring program grid cell in the Bonanza Corridor.

Target Species: Great Blue Herons

Great Blue Heron monitoring findings from 2002-2017 show a dramatic 50% decline in the numbers of active and successful nests in the Columbia Basin. For Kootenay Connect, the goals are to update the heron breeding occupancy in the project’s four focal areas (Creston, Columbia Wetlands, Wycliffe and Bonanza Corridors), and implement conservation and stewardship actions for confirmed breeding sites.

This report summarizes inventory and stewardship activities completed from April 1, 2020 to March 10, 2021 on a heron conservation project funded by Kootenay Connect (a project facilitated by the Kootenay Conservation Program) in four focal areas of the Columbia Basin: 1 – Columbia Wetlands Wildlife Management Area; 2 – Wycliffe Conservation Corridor; 3 – Creston Valley Wildlife management Area; and 4 – the Bonanza Creek Biodiversity Corridor. 

Target Species: Northern Leopard Frogs

Year 1 Map: Creston Valley Northern Leopard Frog Work

This map depicts the intra-wetland connectivity within the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area in relation to Northern Leopard Frog areas.

Target Species: Williamson’s Sapsucker – Lewis’s Woodpecker

Year 1 Map: Wycliffe Williamson’s Sapsucker-Lewis’s Woodpecker Results Combined

This map shows results from the Williamson’s Sapsuckers and Lewis’s Woodpecker survey sites in the Wycliffe Corridor.