Thank you for helping promote the KCP Stewardship Solutions toolkit!
Feel free to make use of any of the following content/resources:
- Inquire about presentations for your organization or region. KCP will coordinate a limited number of presentations about Stewardship Solutions on a request basis. Contact us to find out more (email kendal@kootenayconservation.ca).
- Download a PDF of the Stewardship Solutions Poster or a JPG of the poster for posting at grocery stores/coffee shops/post offices/community sign boards, etc.).
- Download a PDF of the Stewardship Solutions handout for your Conservation Neighbourhood:
- Order Hard Copies of the handout for your Conservation Neighbourhood (email kendal@kootenayconservation.ca).
- Download the pre-written Stewardship Solutions summary to add to your website and newsletter and add this image.
- Make a Social Media Post by copying and pasting the content below (and add this image to your Facebook and Twitter posts):
Are you a Kootenay property owner or land manager? The KCP (tag the KCP Facebook page) Stewardship Solutions Online Toolkit features Kootenay-based resources to help you manage your property in an environmentally friendly way. Use the interactive map on the home page to find out what services are available in your area! https://kootenayconservation.ca/toolkit
Stewardship Solutions is a free online toolkit to help #Kootenay communities care for their properties in ways that benefit wildlife, water & wild spaces. Click on the interactive home page map to see what services are available in your area. #stewardship https://kootenayconservation.ca/toolkit