Great Blue Herons

Highlights completed in the Columbia Wetlands for Year 2 (2020-21) are listed below.

Year 2 Highlights (2020-21)

Great Blue Heron monitoring findings from 2002-2017 show a dramatic 50% decline in the numbers of active and successful nests in the Columbia Basin. For Kootenay Connect, the goals are to update the heron breeding occupancy in the project’s four focal areas (Creston, Columbia Wetlands, Wycliffe and Bonanza Corridors), and implement conservation and stewardship actions for confirmed breeding sites.

This report summarizes inventory and stewardship activities completed from April 1, 2020 to March 10, 2021 on a heron conservation project funded by Kootenay Connect (a project facilitated by the Kootenay Conservation Program) in four focal areas of the Columbia Basin: 1 – Columbia Wetlands Wildlife Management Area; 2 – Wycliffe Conservation Corridor; 3 – Creston Valley Wildlife management Area; and 4 – the Bonanza Creek Biodiversity Corridor.