The KCP would like to take a moment to remember Kelly Diamond who passed away last week from cancer. Kelly was the KCP’s Administration and Communications Coordinator until she was diagnosed earlier this year.
Kelly came to the KCP late in 2015 after becoming a mother. She brought with her a diversity of strengths in the conservation and environmental field. Prior to joining the KCP she worked in several positions with the Ministry of Environment as a Park Naturalist, Senior Park Ranger, and as an Assistant Park Planner. She lived in an off-grid Ranger Station as a Forest Service worker for six years before moving to the gulf islands to help establish and open a new Environmental Learning Centre. Kelly relocated to the East Kootenays from the Coast early in 2012 to work as Blue Lake Centre’s Executive Director. After that she worked on a number of environmental contracts including the Lake Koocanusa Area Situational Analysis and Recommendation for Crown Land Recreation.
While her time was short with the KCP, she had a wonderful impact on our organization, and contributed strongly to conservation in the Kootenays in a variety of roles. We extend our deepest condolences to Kelly’s family and her many friends and colleagues.