Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Land ConservationLand ManagementPolicy/RegulationSpecies-at-RiskWildlife/Fish Conservation
Group Types Federal Government

Our Mission:

Preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment, including water, air, soil, flora and fauna; and conserve Canada’s renewable resources.

Our Vision:

Canada’s natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations.

The Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) is a branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada. Wildlife management in Canada is constitutionally a shared responsibility among the federal and provincial / territorial and aboriginal governments. CWS works closely with these governments on a wide variety of wildlife issues. CWS maintains facilities in most Canadian provinces and territories. Its core areas of responsibility are the protection and management of migratory birds and their nationally important habitats and recovery and protection of species at risk. They also work to control international and interprovincial trade in endangered species, implement provisions of international wildlife related treaties and agreements domestically, and manage federally protected areas federal (e.g., National Wildlife Areas established under the Canada Wildlife Act, and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries established under the Migratory Bird Convention Act).