Conservation Neighbourhood Elk Valley
Focuses Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachWater quality/quantity monitoringWatershed Planning
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To connect people to the Elk River ensuring it is drinkable, fishable and swimmable for future generations.

Our Vision:

A place where well-managed human activities result in healthy ecosystems and a robust economy.

ERA is an organization that 1) stimulates conversation, shares information and facilitates community input to encourage sustainable water decision-making in the Elk Valley; 2) Promote thinking like a watershed by coordinating a community voice to contribute to watershed planning and management activities, regulatory processes and other regional water initiatives; 3) Bring together diverse points of view and offer a safe place to dialogue about the Elk River; 4) Unite not divide. The ERA uses education to raise our collective watershed literacy stimulating person water stewardship; facilitates community dialogue and engagement to inform sustainable water decision-making; and monitors to assess aquatic health and prioritize community involvement in activities that enhance and restore aquatic ecosystems.