Conservation Neighbourhood Golden
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementInventory
Regional District CSRD
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To develop a collaborative and coordinated approach to invasive species prevention, reduction and management in the Columbia Shuswap Regional District. CSISS in partnership with the Invasive Species Council of BC can provide educational resources and activities that fit well in the prescribed BC Learning Objectives.

Our Vision:

The environment, economy and society of the Columbia Shuswap region is protected from the adverse impact of invasive species.

The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society is a network of partners who facilitate the prevention, reduction and management of invasive species through collaboration, engagement and education. The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS) is a non-profit society founded in April 2013 by a group of individuals and organizational representatives who saw the need for a coordinated regional approach to the growing threat of invasive species in the Columbia Shuswap Regional District.