KLLCF – Funded Projects 2019

Next Creek Property Acquisition
$93,000 to the Nature Conservancy of Canada towards the purchase of the last missing piece in a vast conservation landscape puzzle of inland temperate rainforest that extends over 1,100 km .

Grizzly Bear Coexistence Solutions
$12,000 to the Friends of the Lardeau River to assist private landowners with reducing grizzly bear conflicts through a 50% cost share with residents for electric fencing equipment to protect their livestock and/or crops from bears.

Wildflowers for Pollinators: A Citizen‐Science Meadowscaping Initiative
$11,696 to the Kootenay Native Plant Society to enhance and restore the ecosystem process of pollination by facilitating the enhancement of meadow habitat to sustain the diversity of native pollinators, including at‐risk bumble bees and butterflies and the native plants with which they co‐evolved, in the Kootenay Lake area.

Fish/Bear Lake Western Toad Ecology and Hwy 31A Mortality Mitigation Study
$8,000 to the Valhalla Wilderness Society to enhance the survivability of both adult toads and toadlets at the mountain pass of Fish & Bear Lakes wildlife corridor along Highway 31A in the face of increased motorized use of the highway and the threat of climate change.

North Kootenay Lake Water Monitoring Project
$20,000 to North Kootenay Lake Water Monitoring Project to collect scale‐appropriate climate data that will enable and informed land‐use response in the face of climate change to better conserve and restore ecosystems, support sustainable community development, and prepare for increased hazards.

Kootenay Lake Kokanee Salmon Spawning Habitat Research and Restoration Project
$10,000 to the Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society to provide enhanced habitat for Kokanee and design and implement educational programs for community members living on Kootenay Lake with the aim to empower people to take actions to protect and enhance habitat for Kokanee and other native species.

Evaluating Bat Boxes as a Mitigation for White‐Nose Syndrome
$10,000 to the Wildlife Conservation Society Canada to prepare the Kootenay Lake region for the arrival of White‐Nose Syndrome (WNS), a disease that decimates bat populations, such that the impact of this disease can be minimized.

Crawford Creek Regional Park Mapping
$5,850 to the Eastshore Freshwater Habitat Society to conduct research and mapping in order to define area for conservation in Crawford Bay Regional Park and to enable the Eastshore Freshwater Habitat Society and other volunteer interest groups to make plans for enhancement and remediation of key habitats.

Western Painted Turtle Conservation
$5,750 to the BC Conservation Foundation to develop conservation actions for the blue‐listed Western Painted Turtle in order to enhance populations.