Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementWetland ConservationWildlife/Fish ConservationYouth Programs and Activities
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

The BC Wildlife Federation is a province-wide voluntary conservation organization representing all British Columbians whose aims are to protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

Our Vision:

1) To ensure the sound, long-term management of British Columbia’s fish, wildlife, park and outdoor recreational resources in the best interests of all British Columbians, and to coordinate all the voluntary agencies, societies, clubs and individuals interested in that objective, and 2) To develop and support a comprehensive educational program to make all British Columbians aware of the value of British Columbia’s fish, wildlife, park and outdoor recreational resources, and to arouse in the public conscience a recognition of, and a respect for, the place of fish, wildlife and outdoor recreation in the wise integrated use of the nation’s natural resources.

British Columbia Wildlife Federation

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementWetland ConservationWildlife/Fish ConservationYouth Programs and Activities
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

The BC Wildlife Federation is a province-wide voluntary conservation organization representing all British Columbians whose aims are to protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

Our Vision:

1) To ensure the sound, long-term management of British Columbia’s fish, wildlife, park and outdoor recreational resources in the best interests of all British Columbians, and to coordinate all the voluntary agencies, societies, clubs and individuals interested in that objective, and 2) To develop and support a comprehensive educational program to make all British Columbians aware of the value of British Columbia’s fish, wildlife, park and outdoor recreational resources, and to arouse in the public conscience a recognition of, and a respect for, the place of fish, wildlife and outdoor recreation in the wise integrated use of the nation’s natural resources.

The BC Wildlife Federation is British Columbia’s largest and oldest conservation organization. Our 50,000 members are passionately committed to protecting, enhancing and promoting the wise use of the environment for […]

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementLand ConservationWaterWetland ConservationWildlife/Fish Conservation
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.

Our Vision:

Abundant wetlands and waterfowl – today, tomorrow and forever.

DUC is the leader in wetland conservation. A registered charity, DUC partners with government, industry, non-profit organizations and landowners to conserve wetlands that are critical to waterfowl, wildlife and the […]

Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia Valley
Focuses Coordination and CommunicationEcosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachResearchWetland ConservationWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District CSRDRDEK
Group Types Partnership

Our Mission:

The Columbia River Wetlands Stewardship Partners (CWSP) is made up of a diverse group of community interests, First Nations, local governments, and government agencies created to develop effective stewardship and management practices for the Columbia Wetlands and the Upper Columbia River. The partnership, acting on their vision statement, will engage the general public and work with government at all levels to implement a shared stewardship model for the management of the river and wetlands.

Our Vision:

The Upper Columbia River and the adjacent Columbia Wetlands will continue to function as a healthy flood-plain ecosystem with a complex biological community governed by natural fluvial and ecological processes. Human Communities will continue to benefit socially, environmentally and economically from this naturally functioning ecosystem and in turn the wetlands will contribute to the health and vitality of the communities in the upper Columbia River Basin. Residents in these communities will become engaged and motivated to adopt a stewardship ethic and will work collectively to demonstrate the benefits of a shared stewardship model for this important resource.

The mandate of the CWSP is to steward the wetlands in accordance with our vision as a single system irrespective of ownership or jurisdiction and to take a pro-active stance […]

Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area

Conservation Neighbourhood Creston-Purcells
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachLand ManagementSpecies-at-RiskWetland Conservation
Regional District RDCK
Group Types Provincial Government

Our Mission:

To manage the area for conservation and natural species diversity through active habitat and wildlife management, research and education.

Our Vision:

The CVWMA mandate is derived from British Columbia’s Creston Valley Wildlife Act. Through the Act, a Management Authority was delegated to manage the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area, a 7,000-hectare […]

Wings Over the Rockies

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia Valley
Focuses Education/OutreachWetland ConservationWildlife/Fish ConservationYouth Programs and Activities
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To foster immediate and long term positive action on behalf of birds, wildlife and habitat by utilizing and recognizing public education, research results, quality economic development and the skills and resources of our communities, balancing the needs of humans and natural systems.

Our Vision:

Every year, the Wings Over the Rockies Festival is celebrated in early May. The Wings wildlife festival offers over 100 events including guided walks and floats, evening talks, art shows, […]

Wildsight – Golden Branch

Conservation Neighbourhood Golden
Focuses Citizen SciencePolicy/RegulationWetland ConservationWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District CSRD
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To support a resilient and vibrant Columbia Headwaters: healthy creeks, streams, rivers, and wetlands; teeming aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity; productive and diverse forests that support wildlife connectivity, recreation, and sustainable forestry; and clean air for all to breathe and share.

Our Vision:

We envision a resilient and vibrant Columbia Headwaters: healthy creeks, streams, rivers, and wetlands; teeming aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity; productive and diverse forests that support wildlife connectivity, recreation, and sustainable forestry; and clean air for all to breathe and share. We envision a Golden community where people are engaged on important ecological issues and value wilderness conservation.

Wildsight – Invermere Branch

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia Valley
Focuses Education/OutreachWetland ConservationWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

The Invermere branch of Wildsight envisions a community where people value and protect wild spaces and embrace our interconnection with nature. Our primarily volunteer run non-profit organization reaches out to visitors and locals alike to inspire action and lead the way in conserving wild spaces and improving our relationship with nature.

Our Vision:

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