Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Land ConservationLand ManagementLandscape ConnectivityWildlife/Fish Conservation

Our Mission:

The Kootenay Wildlife Heritage Fund’s mission is to ensure the future of big game in the Kootenay region, to assist in acquiring specific land for that purpose, and to promote our hunting heritage.

Our Vision:

KWHF is a non-profit, charitable society that depends almost entirely on volunteers. We raise money to acquire good wildlife land and for the purchase of high-quality hay to feed starving animals during winter.

Kootenay Wildlife Heritage Fund

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Land ConservationLand ManagementLandscape ConnectivityWildlife/Fish Conservation

Our Mission:

The Kootenay Wildlife Heritage Fund’s mission is to ensure the future of big game in the Kootenay region, to assist in acquiring specific land for that purpose, and to promote our hunting heritage.

Our Vision:

KWHF is a non-profit, charitable society that depends almost entirely on volunteers. We raise money to acquire good wildlife land and for the purchase of high-quality hay to feed starving animals during winter.

Conceived in 1981, the Kootenay Wildlife Heritage Fund has participated in the acquisition of some 30,000 acres of big game habitat for big game species and for other wildlife that […]

British Columbia Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Land ConservationLand ManagementLandscape ConnectivityWildlife/Fish Conservation
Group Types Fish and Wildlife Association

Our Mission:

We are a community of volunteers with a passion for wild, backcountry spaces; a natural setting where solitude demands effort as well as an appreciation for the space, fish, wildlife, and experience found within.

Our Vision:

To ensure North America’s outdoor heritage of hunting and fishing in a natural setting, through education and work on behalf of our wild public lands, waters, and wildlife.

The British Columbia Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BCBHA) is a member of the North American conservation organization Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (BHA). BCBHA is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization. […]

Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Land ConservationLandscape ConnectivityResearchWildlife/Fish Conservation
Group Types Project (Not Organization)

Our Mission:

To carry out scientific research related to the conservation problems and solutions of the small fragmented grizzly bear population units in southeast B.C. Also to develop and implement conservation management plans derived from our science-based approach.

Our Vision:

To recover and reconnect small fragmented grizzly bear populations in southeastern BC

We carry out scientific research about both the conservation issues and their solutions related to fragmented grizzly bear populations in southeast BC. We publish our results in the peer-reviewed scientific […]

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Land ConservationLandscape ConnectivityResearchWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District CSRDRDCKRDEK

Our Mission:

Connecting and protecting habitat from Yellowstone to Yukon so people and nature can thrive.

Our Vision:

An interconnected system of wild lands and waters stretching from Yellowstone to Yukon, harmonizing the needs of people with those of nature.

The Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) is a joint Canada-U.S. not-for-profit organization that connects and protects habitat from Yellowstone to Yukon so people and nature can thrive. We are […]

Nature Conservancy of Canada Rocky Mountain Region

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementLand ConservationLand ManagementLandscape Connectivity
Regional District RDCKRDEKRDKB
Group Types Land Trust

Our Mission:

To lead, innovate and use creativity in the conservation of Canada’s natural heritage; and to secure important natural areas through their purchase, donation or other mechanisms, and then manages these properties for the long term.

Our Vision:

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) protects areas of natural diversity for their intrinsic value and for the benefit of our children and those after them.

NCC is Canada’s leading national land conservation organization. A private, non-profit organization, they partner with individuals, corporations, other non-profit organizations and governments at all levels to protect our most important […]

Friends of the Lardeau River

Conservation Neighbourhood Duncan-Trout Lake
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementLandscape ConnectivityWaterWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District RDCK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To help protect and care for the Lardeau River corridor.

Our Vision:

To obtain protection status for vital and crucial fish & wildlife habitats along the Lardeau River corridor.

The Friends of Lardeau River’s key focus is in obtaining protection status for vital and crucial fish & wildlife habitats along the Lardeau River corridor. The Lardeau River with its […]

Trail Wildlife Association

Conservation Neighbourhood Lower Columbia River
Focuses Education/OutreachLand ConservationLandscape ConnectivityWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District RDKB
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To work on projects that protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

Our Vision:

Focuses on the protection, enhancement and wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

Since it was formed in 1925, the Trail Wildlife Association has focused on projects designed to enhance local fish and regional fish and wildlife populations including: • establish protected areas […]

Lake Windermere District Rod & Gun Club

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia Valley
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementLandscape ConnectivitySpecies-at-RiskWildlife/Fish Conservation
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Fish and Wildlife Association

Our Mission:

The Club is a conservation-minded organization dedicated to the preservation of our natural environment and the promotional of outdoor recreation activities.

Our Vision:

Do not destroy what you have not the power to replace. This has been in place since 1919.

The Lake Windermere District Rod and Gun Club is based in Invermere, BC and serving all of the Columbia Valley. They have been in operation more than 95 years and […]

Windermere District Farmers’ Institute

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia Valley
Focuses AgricultureLand ManagementLandscape ConnectivityResearch
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To promote home economics, public health, child welfare, education and better schools. Includes the Ecological Services Initiative to research and demonstrate a voluntary incentive-based model that encourages farmers to adopt Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) for the maintenance and enhancement of ecological services under their management control.

Our Vision:

The Windermere District Farmers’ Institute and Livestock Association (WDFI) represents the interest of the agricultural community from Canal Flats to Golden. The Windermere District Farmers Institute (WDFI) has been an […]

Wildsight – Regional

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyCreston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeElk ValleyGoldenKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth CountrySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper ArrowUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Education/OutreachEnvironmental MonitoringLandscape ConnectivityWaterYouth Programs and Activities
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

Wildsight works to protect wildlife, water and wild places in Canada’s Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions. Our education programs include Winter Wonder (K-3), Nature Through the Seasons (K-3), Classroom with Outdoors (4-7), Ecostewards (4-6), Go Wild (9-12), Columbia River Field School (10-12), Beyond Recycling (5-7) and Know Your Watershed (9).

Our Vision:

The Columbia Mountains and Southern Rocky Mountain area has healthy, functioning ecosystems. A network of protected wild landscapes and watersheds provide for native plant, fish, and animal populations, and maintain healthy human communities.

Wildsight focuses on three core areas: the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, upper Columbia River Valley, and the Columbia Mountains. Wildsight’s program areas include conservation, water, climate adaptation solutions, sustainable communities, […]

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