Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyElk ValleySouth CountryUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Education/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementLand ManagementPlanningPolicy/Regulation
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Regional Government

Our Mission:

Through effective service, our organization exists to maintain and enhance the economic, physical, technological, social and environmental quality of life in the East Kootenay region.

Our Vision:

Regional District of East Kootenay

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyElk ValleySouth CountryUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Education/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementLand ManagementPlanningPolicy/Regulation
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Regional Government

Our Mission:

Through effective service, our organization exists to maintain and enhance the economic, physical, technological, social and environmental quality of life in the East Kootenay region.

Our Vision:

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is one of 28 regional districts formed by the Province of British Columbia to provide local government services to unincorporated areas. The RDEK […]

Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society

Conservation Neighbourhood Creston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper Arrow
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementInventoryResearch
Regional District RDCKRDKB
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To minimize the impacts of invasive species on the ecosystems, communities, and economy of the Central Kootenay region by promoting collaborative approaches to invasive species management.

Our Vision:

A network of partners collaborating to minimize the impacts of invasive species on the ecosystems, communities, and economy of the Regional District of Central Kootenay and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area A and B.

The CKISS is a non-profit society that was formed by a group of residents and company/agency representatives who were interested in promoting collaborative approaches to invasive plant management in 2005. […]

Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society

Conservation Neighbourhood Golden
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementInventory
Regional District CSRD
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To develop a collaborative and coordinated approach to invasive species prevention, reduction and management in the Columbia Shuswap Regional District. CSISS in partnership with the Invasive Species Council of BC can provide educational resources and activities that fit well in the prescribed BC Learning Objectives.

Our Vision:

The environment, economy and society of the Columbia Shuswap region is protected from the adverse impact of invasive species.

The Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society is a network of partners who facilitate the prevention, reduction and management of invasive species through collaboration, engagement and education. The Columbia Shuswap Invasive […]

East Kootenay Invasive Species Council

Conservation Neighbourhood Columbia ValleyElk ValleySouth CountryUpper Kootenay River Valley
Focuses Ecosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementWater
Regional District RDEK
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To mitigate the negative environmental, social, and economic impacts of invasive species in order to achieve an East Kootenay free of invasive species.

Our Vision:

East Kootenay free of invasive species.

EKISC is a diverse and dynamic mix of government and non‐government, multi‐interest stakeholders with membership open to anyone. The EKISC operates under a single‐agency partnership delivery model to deliver a […]

Kootenay Native Plant Society

Conservation Neighbourhood Creston-PurcellsDuncan-Trout LakeKootenay LakeKootenay Lake West ArmLower ArrowLower Columbia RiverSlocan ValleySouth Selkirks-SalmoUpper Arrow
Focuses Citizen ScienceEcosystem Restoration/EnhancementEducation/OutreachInvasive Species ManagementSpecies-at-Risk
Regional District RDCKRDKB
Group Types Non-Profit Organization

Our Mission:

To promote knowledge, appreciation, conservation and restoration of West Kootenay native plants and natural habitats through education, research, and on-the-ground activities.

Our Vision:

We seek to foster an understanding and appreciation of our native plants and to preserve their diversity for future generations.

The Kootenay Native Plant Society (KNPS) believes that learning about our native plants fosters an understanding, appreciation and respect for British Columbia’s biodiversity and culture. Their initiatives include: 1. The […]

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