Heather has been delivering water stewardship projects for Wildsight since 2005.

She works with individuals and groups to increase capacity and knowledge to better protect our watersheds. Under this guidance, Wildsight’s water programs, most notably, the now complete Lake Windermere Project, have won awards by foundations and industry, and have been recognized by the federal government as a best practices example in community based monitoring.

Heather is actively involved in stewardship efforts across the Basin, participating in the East Kootenay Integrated Lake Management Partnership, Columbia Basin Watershed Network, Friends of Kootenay Lake, Lake Windermere Ambassadors and the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund Technical Review Committee.

Recently, Heather has taken a role on the Leadership Team for the Roundtable on the Crown of the Continent. She continues to be motivated by the conservation efforts of good people all across this vast region, and believes that in order to create real solutions we need to approach the issues from a watershed perspective, even if those watersheds cross political boundaries.

Wildsight’s water stewardship work continues to grow, and Heather is now delivering programs under Living Lakes Canada, a joint initiative with Global Nature Fund and Lake Winnipeg Foundation. Living Lakes Canada is affiliated with Living Lakes International, a global network of NGOs working to protect some of the planet’s most ecologically significant waterbodies.

But Heather is most at home exploring nearby streams with her fly rod or teaching community members about the bug life below the cobble. She is a certified Streamkeepers Instructor and field lead for the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network.

To learn more about the important work Heather is involved with, check out Wildsight and Living Lakes Canada.