Highlights from Year 1 (2019-20) to Year 5 (2023-2024) are listed below.
Year 5 Highlights (2023-24)
This map shows work done in the Six Mile Slough and Duck Lake Nesting Area by the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area (CVWMA) through Kootenay Connect from 2021 to 2023.
This map shows where observations of Northern Leopard Frogs occurred in the Duck Lake Nesting Area in 2023, after the wetland enhancements of the previous years.
Year 2 Highlights (2020-21)
An overview of the Northern Leopard Frog Habitat Enhancement project work that took place in the Creston Wildlife Management Area in 2020-2021.
CVWMA objectives are to create a Master Plan that can be implemented in phases; a plan that increases multi-species habitat connectivity through a matrix of vegetative corridors, open grassland habitat, and riparian or riparian edge habitat. This may include but not be limited to, modification of slopes, modification of flow and sinuosity of drainage ditches, potential relocation of existing dikes, controlled riparian or water access for cattle and improved shade access for cattle outside of riparian areas. Beargrass Landscape Architecture was hired to provide documentation, design work, and aid in coordination of ideas and species requirements between CVWMA, Biologists, Hydrologists, Ecologists, Engineers, and other stakeholders.
Year 1 Highlights (2019-2020)
An overview of the Northern Leopard Frog Habitat Enhancement project.