Awarded to the Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society to engage lakefront land-owners and citizens to contribute to both the removal of invasive riparian plants and the monitoring of invasive aquatic species

PROPONENT: Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society

DESCRIPTION: This community science project engaged lakefront land-owners and citizens in Areas A, D and E of the Regional District of Central Kootenay to contribute to both the removal of invasive riparian plants and the monitoring of invasive aquatic species. Engaging local citizens of the Kootenay Lake region yields outreach and prevention benefits with more members of the public trained on identification and able to speak about the issue to their friends and neighbours.

The aquatic invasive species targeted for monitoring included zebra and quagga mussels (ZQM) and Asian clams. Surveying and monitoring for these species provides the greatest opportunity for eradication by enabling the implementation of Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) plans in the event that they are detected. The invasive plants targeted for removal were those present in the region including yellow flag iris and purple loosestrife.

OBJECTIVE: The goals of this project were multi-pronged: (1) Recruit 10-15 private waterfront landowners (minimum of three in each of Areas A, D and E) to install and monitor substrate samplers on their private wharfs throughout the summer, as well as at least 15 additional volunteers to receive training and conduct shoreline surveys for Asian clams and invasive riparian plants, (2) Develop supporting materials prior to program delivery to provide a comprehensive educational experience, and a seamless data collection experience for volunteers, (3) Deliver monitoring equipment to volunteers and assist with correct installation, as well as practice monitoring and filling out data forms, plus provide ongoing support, (4) Organize and deliver three shoreline invasive species survey workshops, one in each of Areas A, D and E, where participants will be provided with knowledge, tools and encouragement to conduct surveys and invasive species removal independently, (5) Compile and summarize all monitoring and survey data for reporting purposes following project wrap-up.