Heather Gates

Before she began working with bats ten years ago, Heather Gates hadn’t paid much attention to them. Today, she is fascinated by these remarkable animals. As the primary predators of night-flying insects, bats are a vital component of local ecosystems as well as being very important for agriculture. Heather conducts bat research and stewardship across the Columbia Basin as part of her work for Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCSC), based in the Kaslo office.

Anna McIndoe

You may have heard of the provincial Together for Wildlife strategy, but do you know who’s driving its efforts locally? Based in Cranbrook, Anna McIndoe works for the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship and is the regional implementation lead for the Kootenay-Boundary Region.

Paige Thurston

Paige Thurston, Manager of Living Lakes Canada's Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework, is excited about the achievements the program has made over the past few years, including the Columbia Basin Water Hub and the Cottonwood Creek Restoration Project. Living Lakes Canada (LLC) facilitates collaboration in monitoring, restoration, and policy development initiatives for the long-term protection of lakes, rivers, wetlands and watersheds in Canada.

Melinda Watson

Melinda Watson's role as Director and Environmental Stewardship Chair of the Kootenay Livestock Association (KLA) is pivotal in advocating for both the agricultural community and wildlife conservation. Her deep-rooted connection to ranching, combined with her background in forestry and education, provides a well-rounded perspective on the challenges and opportunities in her field. She is dedicated to ensuring that ranchers and farmers are valued and financially supported, and is focused on improving communication between ranchers/farmers and government agencies.

Jennifer Yeow

The Slocan River Streamkeepers (SRS) was incorporated as a non-profit society in 2005, and Slocan Valley resident Jennifer Yeow was one of the founders. A conservationist at heart, Jennifer served as Vice President of SRS for ten years, and coordinated many projects including water monitoring, fish counts, and school outreach programs. While now officially retired from her position as microbiologist and Director of Passmore Water Testing Laboratory, she is still active with SRS, engaging children with water education programs.

Brian Gustafson

Brian Gustafson is active in wildlife ecology and conservation in the Golden area and serves as Executive Director of the Golden District Rod & Gun Club. One of the current conservation-related projects of the Rod & Gun Club includes a 5-year habitat enhancement project for elk winter range east of Golden. Another project is monitoring and restoring habitat of the Kicking Horse bighorn sheep herd which began in 2019 in anticipation of the Kicking Horse canyon highway expansion. Brian also works with the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners (CWSP), sits on the East Kootenay Wildlife Habitat Advisory Committee, and advises on the Columbia River Treaty.

Ryan Durand

Ryan Durand is an ecologist living in the south Slocan Valley who does consulting work all over the province and beyond, including locally for the Slocan Lake Stewardship Society (SLSS). He is thrilled that the Kootenay Connect Priority Places initiative was expanded last year, and his backyard of the Slocan Valley was chosen as one of three new focal areas. The valley happens to have a diversity of habitats for many species that are federally listed as SARA (Species at Risk Act) and COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) species.

Tracy Flynn

Tracy Flynn was recently elected President of Wildsight Invermere, after holding the role of Vice President for one year, as well as being a Regional Board Director for four years. She is the 2024 winner of the Ellen Zimmerman Award, reflecting her dedication and ongoing efforts in conservation in the East Kootenay.

Collective impact: Kootenay collaboration takes conservation to the next level

On a bright October day, three dozen people crest a knoll in the Wycliffe Conservation Complex, a corridor of conservation lands just north of Cranbrook, BC. To the barn swallows overhead, the people—a meandering line of puffy jackets in earthy hues—look as much a part of the landscape as the creeks and groves that surround them. But high-quality binoculars, waterproof notebooks and spontaneous swooning over a rare grassland plant are not all this group has in common. They are connected by something much bigger: a deep-rooted partnership with over 20 years of experience bringing people together to collaborate on shared conservation priorities—Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP).

Kate Mizenka

Kate is the Director of Farm, Orchard & Apiary at Elk Root Conservation Farm Society (ERC). She admits that her vision of working to alleviate food insecurity while inspiring ecological stewardship is a lofty goal, but it’s this grand vision that has kept her going through the inevitable challenges and hard work of managing a non-profit organization. In the seven years since ERC was conceived, there have already been significant restoration efforts, including transforming a giant field of invasive thistle into gorgeous pollinator gardens.

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