Highlights from Year 1 (2019-20) to Year 5 (2023-24) are listed below.
Year 5 Highlights (2023-24)
This report includes annual monitoring and maintenance activities and results from 2023 for the three wetland restoration sites that were part of the Bonanza Wetlands Enhancement Project (BoWEP). The three sites are Hunter Siding, Upper Bonanza and Summit Lake Marsh. Hunter Siding restoration was implemented and completed in Fall 2020, while Summit Lake Marsh and Upper Bonanza were completed in the Fall of 2021. The overarching objective of the BoWEP centred on the enhancement of three wetland/riparian sections along Bonanza Creek to restore hydrologic and ecological processes that have deteriorated over time through historic disturbances. The restoration team deployed a nature-based approach with the goal of enhancing hydrologic connectivity and habitat continuity. Over time, these wetland restorations will provide long-term ecological benefits through improved water flow and enhanced aquatic and terrestrial (wildlife) habitats which will create a healthier wetland-riparian system and wildlife corridor. Overall, the three wetland restoration projects that were part of the BoWEP have been very successful. Continued partnership with the Okanagan Nation Alliance, Kootenay Conservation Program and the Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS) would help to bring a wide set of expertise and perspectives together to help guide further work with this project.
Year 4 Highlights (2022-23)
This report includes annual monitoring and maintenance activities and results from 2022 as well as recommendations for site stewardship for the three wetland restoration sites that were part of the Bonanza Wetlands Enhancement Project (BoWEP). The three sites are Hunter Siding, Upper Bonanza and Summit Lake Marsh. Hunter Siding restoration was implemented and completed in Fall 2020, while Summit Lake Marsh and Upper Bonanza were completed in the Fall of 2021. The BoWEP took place in the Bonanza Biodiversity Corridor (BBC) which is a vital network of ecological systems and processes that support a wide range and diversity of species, habitats, and water flow into the north end of Slocan Lake, B.C. The Bonanza Ecosystem Enhancement Project was a 3-year project (2019-2021) sponsored by the Slocan Lake Stewardship Society (SLSS) with funding provided through Kootenay Connect (Community Nominated Priority Places, Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Columbia Basin Trust Ecosystems Enhancement Program). The Okanagan Nation Alliance (Natural Resources) is a collaborating partner for conservation and restoration projects in the BBC.
Year 3 Highlights (2021-22)
This document provides a descriptive overview of the short and long-term monitoring programs for the Bonanza Wetlands Enhancement Project (BoWEP). The BoWEP project is co-funded by the Columbia Basin Trust and Environment and Climate Change Canada. The project is located near Hills, BC and includes restoration and enhancement work in three wetland complexes referred to as Hunter Siding, Upper Bonanza, and Summit Lake Marsh. As a working framework, the content of this report will be continually updated as site restorations are completed and monitoring results are compiled.
Over a three-day period, October 5-7, 2021, wetland and stream enhancement works were constructed in the Upper Bonanza wetlands area (see Figure 1) in accordance with technical memorandum, detailed engineered plans and a BC Water Sustainability Act Section 11 Authorization (File No. 4007972). This memorandum summarizes: 1. restoration objectives; 2. restoration construction activities; 3. identifies those areas where implementation was adjusted from submitted plans; and 4. post-project monitoring plan.
Over a two-week period from October 26 to November 4, 2021, wetland enhancement works were constructed in the Summit Lake Marsh area in accordance with technical memorandum (Mountain Station Consultants, 2021 and detailed engineered plans (Mountain Station Consultants, 2021) as submitted for a BC Water Sustainability Act Section 11 Authorization (File No. 4007943). This memorandum summarizes: 1. Restoration objectives; 2. Construction activities; 3. Areas where implementation was adjusted from submitted plans; and 4. An overview of post-project monitoring plan.
Year 2 Highlights (2020-21)
Bonanza Creek is a fourth order stream in the Slocan Watershed within the Columbia River Basin of British Columbia, flowing between Summit Lake near Nakusp to Slocan Lake near Hills. The Nakusp/Slocan Rail Trail parallels Bonanza Creek on its eastern bank. Its construction resulted in the disconnection of wetland habitat from Bonanza Creeks mainstem. The Slocan Lake Stewardship Society plans to remove sections of the rail trail and add instream woody debris in specific areas to restore Bonanza Creek’s connection to adjacent wetland habitat and increase habitat value. This report provides baseline data for the planned restoration work to help evaluate project success.
Year 1 Highlights (2019-20)
This paper provides background research required to develop a beaver inventory and mapping program to support the wetland restoration project, and assess options to mitigate beaver obstructions. Information in this report includes an introduction to beavers, beaver habitat requirements, methodologies for determining beaver populations, information on setting up wildlife cameras to gain a deeper understanding of the local beaver populations, and how to mitigate beaver obstructions.
Wetland restoration work is occurring at three wetland sites (Summit Lake, Upper Bonanza Creek, and Hunter Siding) led by the Slocan Lake Stewardship Society.
Cumulative impacts recorded at three wetland sites (Summit Lake, Upper Bonanza Creek, and Hunter Siding).