We are pleased to announce the following projects have been awarded funding in 2020 through the RDEK’s Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund:

Reintroducing Northern Leopard Frogs to the Columbia Marshes ‐ $21,000 to the Calgary Zoo to re‐establish self‐sustaining populations of northern leopard frogs in the Columbia marshes.

Conservation of Biodiversity in the Columbia Wetlands – $20,000 to the Columbia Wetlands Stewardship Partners to determine the locations and develop maps of biodiversity hotspots in the Columbia Wetlands and Columbia Valley, which will be used to prioritize and enhance the conservation of species at risk and important focal species.

Columbia Valley Farmland Advantage Stewardship Project ‐ $17,985 to the Windermere District Farmers Institute to enhance the region’s ecology by rewarding contracted farmers to  take extraordinary stewardship action to conserve and enhance important riparian areas on  their farms.

Luxor Linkage Resiliency and Forest Restoration Project – $15,000 to The Nature Conservancy of Canada to restore 10-20 ha of Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir forest to dry open forest structure within the Luxor Linkage Conservation Area.

Columbia Lake Ecosystem Monitoring and Education ‐ $13,000 to the Columbia Lake Stewardship Society to improve knowledge of water resources and steps that can be taken to protect them.

Lake Windermere Community‐Based Water Monitoring Project ‐ $11,296 to the Lake Windermere Ambassadors Society to undertake water quality monitoring and community water stewardship education.

Columbia Valley Swallow Project ‐ $10,000 to Wildsight Golden to build increased awareness for swallow species and their conservation status, coordinate volunteers to inventory/monitor swallow nests and erect artificial nesting structures for swallows to increase habitat availability.

Invasive Plant Control of Leafy Spurge ‐ $6,500 to the East Kootenay Invasive Species Council to decrease the infestation levels of Leafy Spurge in the Upper Columbia Valley.